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2019-12-28 08:15:01

Directions: Study thr following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should 1) describe the drawing, 2) interpret its meaning, and 3) support your view with examples.

The drawing vividly shows a runner who is making a spurt at the finishing line which is also a new point he will start from. In the drawing, the runner is running with painstaking effort around the track of a playground, sweat pouring down his face. On both sides of the runner, there are two poles and a line between them. On the ground there are two signs that say "ENDING" and "STARTING". The painter wants to tell us that, just like running, whatever we are doing, we should never stop making progress. First and formost, it applies to individuals as in such a competitive world everybody is trying to get ahead. Furthermore, the country on the world should move forward in terms of politics, economy, and culture so that we Chinese as a nation can gain sustained repect from other peoples. Examples to prove the view are abundant. The most persuasive are the cases of famous athletes like Fu Mingxia and Deng Yaping, whose success is gained through non-stop efforts. By contrast, a lot of people choose to take a rest to enjoy their small success and thus lose the motivation for further achievement. In sum, keeping making progress should be the right attitude towards life and work for everybody and even for a country.

这幅画生动地描绘了一个跑步者正在冲向终点,这个终点同时也是一个新的起点。在图画中,他正付出艰苦的努力,绕着操场的跑道奔跑,汗水淌下脸庞。在他的两边,有两个标杆,标杆间有一条线。地面上有两个标记,写着“终点”和“起点”。 画家想传达给我们的是,正如跑步一样,无论我们做什么,都不应停止前进。首先,它适用于个人。因为在这样一个充满竞争的世界里,每个人都在努力向前。其次,整个国家在政治、经济和文化方面也应该不断前进,这样中国菜能赢得各国人民的长久尊敬。 能证明这个观点的例子不胜枚举。最有说服力的就是诸如伏明霞和邓亚萍等著名运动员的例子。她们的成功正是通过永不停息的努力获得的。总之,不断取得进步应是每个人甚至国家对于生活和工作的正确态度。



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