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2019-12-28 08:15:01

The picture vividly depicts an American girl, wearing a traditional Chinese costume of a certain minority group, is smiling heartedly. She is wearing a long pair of ear rings and a necklace with a pearl tassel. Her hat is cute and trimmed with lace. The clothes add oriental charm to her beautiful appearance. In my opinion, what the picture conveys is far beyond a new fashion trend and carries cultural implications as well. It is clear that a unique culture can be accepted by the international society when its distinctive features are fully expressed. In fact, national cultures have no boundary and may be appreciated and shared by people from other cultral backgrounds. Admittedly, as the reflection of the outlook of the people, national cultural as priceless spiritual treasure ought to be preserved and cherished. At the same time, there are positive reasons to advocate international culture. While global economic integration has fostered thorough cultural interchanges, it is multiculturalism that essentially makes the society and its people diverse, colorful, vigorous and open-minded. Generally speaking, to be international is undisputedly the best choice if a nation wishes to adopt an open-minded way of progressing.

这幅图画生动地描述了一位美国姑娘穿着中国某个少数民族的传统服装,正在开心地微笑。她戴着一副长耳环和一条带着珍珠流苏的项链。她的帽子很可爱,还有花边修饰。这套衣服为她美丽的外表增添了东方魅力。 在我看来,这幅图画所显示的远不只是一种时尚潮流,还具有文化内涵。显而易见,当一种独特文化的特征被充分表现时,它就能被国际社会所接受。实际上,民族文化没有界限,可以被来自不同文化背景的人们所欣赏和分享。毫无疑问,作为对人们世界观的反映,作为物价的精神财富,民族文化应该被保存和珍惜。同时,我们有充分的理由发展世界文化。在全球经济一体化促进彻底的文化交流的同时,正是多元文化使社会与人民丰富多元、五彩缤纷、充满活力并思想开放。总而言之,如果一个国家想采取一种开放的进步方式,毋庸置疑,国际化是最佳选择。



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