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The first kiss_第一个吻高中英语作文200字

2019-12-29 23:45:01

The first kiss_第一个吻高中英语作文200字

Do you remember the first kiss that your father ever give you?In America,most of parents may give their children before they sleep or go to school.But in China,people are implicative.Parents especially the father may not express their love directly to their children.So they may not kiss their children like the Americans.

Like many Chinese father,my father never give my sister a kiss untill she is 30.But last week,I and my father played table tennis in the house.I and my father made a bet if who lost the game,he must kiss my sister.The game is aboil,we played for 20 minutes.At last,my father lost the game.So he had to give a kiss to me sister.When he kissed my sister on her face,they were both smiling happily and with a bit of shy.I looked at them and tittered.After getting the kiss,my sister laughed naively and shouted in an exciting voice:"It is the first time that my father kissed me!"Though my sister is no longer a child,she still smiled naively like a child get his favorite candy.I think the scenery will stay in our heart forever.




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