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Spring is coming on_春天来了高二年级英语作文150字

2019-12-29 14:45:01

Spring is coming on_春天来了高二年级英语作文150字

Winter has gone , and spring is coming on .

Watching the ice melting ,I know the whole earth is being rejuvenated from the winter. A variety of flowers come out to show their beauty and bring us fragrance .It is a feast for our eyes and souls. The yellow grass suddenly turn green . The young leaves grow on the branches . The swallows fly back home with the greeting of spring .

Everything is coming to life . Feeling the warm sunshine , enjoying the beautiful scenery , listening to the wonderful music , drinking the new tea , my mood is perfect and I have nothing else to desire. Spring is the most fantastic season in the year .It means so much to the other three seasons.



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