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Three Days to See_假如给我三天光明英语读后感500字

2019-12-29 18:30:01

Recently I read a Book: "if you give me three days of light.". Mark Twain once said: "in nineteenth Century two people, one is Napoleon, one is Helen Keller." Helen, Keller believes that we are not strangers. Yes, she is the author of "if you give me three days of light".

This book mainly wrote the life of Keller Helen, wrote in her life, she encountered misfortune, her indomitable, strong, struggle, optimism and courage and her love is the reason I moved. Helen Keller was also a health cute little girl, but a terrible illness when she was 19 months in the coming of little Helen Keller, led to her blindness, deafness and aphasia.

Helen is unfortunate, but she is lucky, it is because of knowledge, she is so lucky. Lost sight and hearing in her 19 months later, and the world lost communication, lost contact, the life of the young do not know how to divert from loneliness, her eccentric, rude, rude, until her Sullivan teacher came into her life, taught her to read, before she opened their hearts eyes, and to communicate with people. At the touch of knowledge, lonely Helen realized that only knowledge could pave the way to light. When Helen realised that "water" -- that she knew the first word, will start on the strong desire for knowledge, the world began, eager to read, read, like a sponge to absorb knowledge from life itself. The thirst for knowledge, so that she was unimaginably dull and boring even learned German, Latin, French and other languages, reading a lot of literature and philosophy masterpiece, absorb those great and wise thought essence. She's studying than climb mountains, fell to climb up, each get a little progress, there is an encouraging and gradually see the wider world, until the bright clouds, the deep blue sky, the pinnacle of hope! This knowledge, like a rainbow, hearts Helen lit a lamp, lit up her inner world, also set up Helen and the world bridge!

But Helen and we are not the same, when the world gets no light, silent and helpless, she once again overcome the weakness, choose to be strong; face difficulties of life, with her superhuman perseverance, with all the vitality and create a miracle. It is because of her optimistic attitude to her success at the same time, also received a lot of friends, including the famous American writer Mark Twain, the inventor of the telephone, Dr. Baer, and the modern American sociologist Carnegie and then president of the United states. It is obvious that Helen has such a high personality charm! Helen. Keller wrote fourteen books in his life, in which prose, "if he gave me three days of light", would have conquered readers all over the world.




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