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Star's Story_明星的故事英语作文150字

2019-12-29 19:00:02

Hello,everyone! My name is Li Hua. I'm the editor of the school English newspaper. This week I interviewed the famous Chinese hostess, Ms. Luyu Chen, on the Star s Story. Now, let me write an article about Ms. Luyu Chen! Ms. Luyu Chen was born in Shanghai in 1970. Ms. Luyu Chen has hosted many television shows. For example, she once presided over the program "Lu Yu has an appointment" and "I am a speaker" program tutor. Mrs Lu Yu is a kind woman. She is fond of charity. In 2008, Ms. Lu Yu donated money to the earthquake stricken areas of Wenchuan. In 2010, she was invited to become an ambassador for the city of Tangshan.




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