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To overcome the ego_克服自己英语作文500字

2019-12-31 05:15:30

One day, Socrates' disciples gathered in a chat, and a rich student, in front of all his classmates, boasted that his family owned a wide field near Athens. Socrates, on the side, took out a map and said, "show me the trouble. Where is Asia minor?" "This big movie is all." "The student said proudly pointing to the map. "Very good! So where is Greece?" "Asked Socrates. The students struggled to find a small piece on the map, but compared with Asia, it was too small. "Where is Athens? "Asked Socrates. "Athens, it's even smaller, as if it were here." "The student pointed to a small point. At last Socrates looked at him and said, "now, show me, where is your vast field?" The students were sweating profusely, and his fields were not even glimpsed on the map. Embarrassed, he replied, "I'm sorry, teacher, I was wrong!" The story tells us a lot of things. What we have is nothing compared to the great universe. When we can face everything with a humble heart, it is a truly noble sentiment. How to overcome conceit, learn to be modest? First of all, accepting criticism is the best way to overcome your ego. Swellhead weakness is not willing to change their attitude and accept other people's opinions, accept criticism is not entirely subject to others, just asked to accept the correct views of others, by accepting criticism, to change his overweening attitude. Secondly, we should get along with people equally. Conceited people usually regard themselves as god, no matter on the ideas or actions are asking others to obey their rudely, equality is to ask yourself as an ordinary members of society status equal exchanges with others. Third, improve self-knowledge.To know yourself fully, you should not only see your strengths and strengths, but also your weaknesses and weaknesses. Recognize that the self cannot be evaluated in isolation and should be examined in society. Everyone living in the world has its own uniqueness, there are others not as good as place, at the same time, there is not as good as others, and people are not always compare their strengths to the shortcomings of others, the others are useless. Fourth, you should look at your conceit with a vision of development. You should see your own past, and your present and future. The glorious past cannot represent the present or the future.




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