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The Grapes of Wrath_愤怒的葡萄英语读后感600字

2019-12-31 05:15:30

"Grapes of Wrath" is written by John Steinbeck. It was a great work that inspired millions of people during the great depression. In 30s the economic meltdown era, a large number of farmers in the Midwest to abandon their homes, like a fleeing westward migration to California as a better life pursuit. Reality is not as good as ideal, but they do not give up hope. The story is moving, the content is realistic and accusation, and everywhere reveals the brilliance of human nature. The hero was driven out of the land by his banker's tractor, sold his family property, moved to California, and pursued a new life. Along the way, the elderly elders died, but unable to bury, young people continue to disperse and go. After a hard journey to California, he was driven and robbed even as "Russian Dutch man". So big a country has no place for them. Their poor life can not help but shed tears, but exhibited in this hardship among the glory of humanity is impressive.

There are 3 characters in the novel that left a deep impression on me. That's Tom, grandma and mom. Tom is an honest, kind-hearted, very sincere person, as long as you believe is right even if the pay is also going to do, he is not evil bow, like Tom more than family love, are we the readers love, although this image seems to be ideal. Grandma is a naughty boy, he is stubborn, he is naive, he is cute. I really love this grandmother, his death makes me sad for a long time. Mother is the most vivid character portrayed in this novel. Although she is only a housewife, she is the master of the family. She has a strong aura to maintain the integrity and dignity of the family, at the same time she has the ability to accept the suffering of the extraordinary, and then the great disaster can not beat her, nor can it defeat the family.

In the author's writing, although he severely condemned human ignorance and greed, but to show readers the natural life and vitality. He lovingly described in the sunlight on the grass, the grass is warm, the grass in the shadow of a variety of insects in the activities of ants and ant lion busy layout catch insects into the air trap, the grasshopper jumped up, patted her wings, with many fine woodlice feet like armadillo like a slow paced." In the eyes of the author, although the dust storm brings disaster, the life in nature is so beautiful and lovely. Nature gives human beings something so beautiful. What else does man have to do to destroy this harmony and balance?

If humans have been so unrestrained, all you know, don't know return, then harmony of human and nature once it is broken, it will enter a vicious spiral, the consequences be unbearable to contemplate. "Protecting the environment and protecting the environment is our common responsibility."." This sentence from childhood to hear, or to mention the important agenda. For the future of mankind, sustainable development must also be mentioned as an important agenda.


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