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2020-01-01 06:00:01

The koala is a strange animal, a bit like a panda, a bit like a mouse. It is only in Australia, although it is not a national treasure, but it can be compared with the status in Australia. David kangaroo koala is a kind of rare animal, is a strange animal. Koalas sleep every day time to at least 20 hours, is sleepy. If you do it with your hands is completely indifferent, because there are 30/100 similar things and hypnotic in its blood.

Koala is from Australia in the southern hemisphere. They don't live in trees, nor do they need to build nests with branches or leaves. They usually only live in tree forks, but occasionally they rest on branches. Koala is a nocturnal animal. They spend most of their time sleeping and resting during the day. Their favorite food is eucalyptus leaves. They eat, sleep and sleep like a sleepy bug. No wonder they grow so fat.

Koala, also known as the koalas, is a marsupial in Australia. It resembles a teddy bear, a chubby body, are all very lovely. It has a pair of small eyes, than other nocturnal animal are small, and the koala vision is poor, rely on a keen sense of smell and hearing life in the forest. Kola has a hairy nose that looks like a rubber skin. It looks funny and lovely. "Small things" have a big ear, usually too far away to facilitate the transmission of information. "There are five fingers small things in the palm, finger and thumb and other three fingers to grip, so that you can hold objects more smoothly. As for the second toe and third toe is tied together, like tooth comb, comb hairines very convenient.

When it comes to koala's sleep time, you will think that koala is really lazy. There are 18-20 hours in a day in sleep, only a few hours in activity. Want to take a koala eyes to a second before opening his eyes, after a second spirit drift to the winds go. Kola's "sleeping nerve" is really well developed. No matter where and what posture it is, you can sleep steadily. So Kola always greets guests with some strange sleeping positions. For example, a koala in between the branches of sitting cross legged, hand in one in doing the dance moves. The Kola that sleeps on the tree makes people feel "sprout".

Kola has a pleasing face and is one of the most popular animals in the zoo. It has a pair of furry ears, feels like the white clouds in the sky as soft, beautiful black eyes, like a beautiful black diamond, has attracted many tourists to watch, it has powerful claws, can firmly grasp the branches, even sleeping in the tree, no the problem.




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