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The Green Mile_绿里奇迹观后感600字

2020-01-01 06:00:01

This is an ordinary prison, even paved with green carpet called green in the road actually do not have any warmth: the road to the death chamber, where the condemned prisoners will sit on the chair, or the end is evil or painful life. It's a road to death. Green is the starting point, the death row prison, prison guards in addition to Percy have relied on the background but Qiruanpaying posturing, boss Paul and Howell are good, and the prisoners in addition to new William lawless frequent practical joke, others no matter how memories are in a calm mood. Life is quiet except for occasional riots. The only pastime is a wonder, which ran from the prison and start a clever friend Clark lear-dpca mouse mr.jingles.

More than 60 years ago, the prison death penalty area to a large, see the person that he will break the prison prison to calm, will bring a lot of trouble, but did not expect this big head to ask most concern is the night will turn off the lights, the murderer was afraid of the dark. It was not until he had cured Paul's illness that he felt otherwise, and I felt that God would not give this super potential to a bad man.

The master's convention, John kafi, is a black man and has a huge body, and is jailed for raping two little girls and killing them cruelly. He went to jail, a few things happen, Paul. - qikang than a mountain - state prison guards, changed the perception of him. Kofi has a magical ability to absorb the pain and injury of people and let them smoke in the air. He miraculously healed Paul. Qikang than the disease, miraculously make by Percy Wetmore hit Mr. jingle back. He is kind, sincere, generous and benevolent, and will shed tears for the misfortunes of others. Paul. Qikang will make that move than animals don't believe such people. Doubts also appeared in two, the murderer took the girl before sausage caught the girl's dog, after the butcher's rope tied up the rest of the food, but coffices is not hit a knot. Finally, the truth was found by Paul, and the murderer had another. However, this case is not a retrial, curphey was innocent, but he still had to go to the chair on the green. The God sent the angel, and finally got the end...

When Paul is more than a hundred years old, when he looked at the same is gone through half a century is still alive with strange mr.jingles, watching the people around one night to his early and at the end of life, they do not know, he knows this is the coffee they bear power the result is, God for his punishment, he executed a magical punishment. When his coffee, Paul knew that, if it will be the best power to green, after his death, certainly not to respond to god. But coffee refused Paul's kindness and refused to escape from prison under his help. He chose death and chose to understand it and chose the calm that he longed for for a long time.




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