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How to Learn English?_如何学习英语初中英语作文

2020-01-02 07:15:01

How to Learn English?_如何学习英语初中英语作文

As we all know, English is an interesting subject in China, so many students are interested in English. But most of them can’t learn English well, because they don’ know the right ways to learn English. Thus, it is very important for them to learn how to learn English. And here is my advice:

First of all, vocabulary is necessary in English. You should learn some new words day by day and go over them twice a week. So that your vocabulary will become bigger and bigger.

Second, reading is also important. I advise you to read English books and English stories. If you can’t understand a word when you are reading, you’d better look it up in the dictionary and write it down, so that you can go over them at any time. Or you can watch English TV and English films

Third, it’s the same important for speaking. Why don’t you spelling and pronounce new words aloud every day? It is a good way to practice your pronunciation.

Fourth, I think writing is the same importance as speaking. Why not find some English pen friends and write to them or you can write some English passages at your free time. They can improve your English writing ability greatly.

I suggest you don’t be afraid to make mistakes, because making mistakes is very normal for us.

Remember! Knowledge come form practice!




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