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Reduce waste in school_减少校园浪费英语作文150字

2020-01-03 15:00:01

Reduce waste in school_减少校园浪费英语作文150字

It is easy for us to forget to turn off the light after we left class. Some students even open the taps though they don't want to drink water. The papers were thrown which was used only one side... Such sights are so common yet so serious that it is high time that we should reduce waste in school.

If we don't reduce waste in our lives, we will lack food and water in the future. Only stopping such sights can we reduce waste. We should remember to turn off the light when we left class. It is easy for us to use papers on both sides. Turning off the tap when we see the tap is open. We can collect the water after we wash to water flowers. It is easy for us to do these little things.

Remember that we have only one Earth, we should try our best to reduce waste in school.




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