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Online courses_网络课程英语作文250字

2020-01-03 13:45:01

It’s known to all that online courses become more available because of the development of Internet technology. But every story has two sides, including that one.

Online courses breaks through the restrictions of place, making it convenient for students to complete the courses. No matter where you are, if you have a phone or a computer, it’s easy for you to get the course. Online courses are not limited by time, too. Based on the above two aspects we can develop education by using limited teaching resources. Online courses can cultivate students’ autonomous learning ability. Through the study of online courses, students and teachers are separated, and the learning process is completely realized through students’ independent activities. Through this way of learning, students can virtually cultivate their ability to manage themselves and restrict themselves.

Online courses also have drawbacks. First, online courses lack emotional communication. Traditional way of teaching, when teachers and students face to face with each other, there are potential emotional exchanges. Teachers can infect students with their unique personality charm and enable students to learn. When using online courses for learning, students face a emotionless object with no emotional communication. Second, in the face of a fixed machine, lone time staring at the screen will cause asthenopia, which may make students abandon internet learning. Third, online courses is accomplished through a set of network equipment to communicate with each other, invisibly reducing direct contact with the crowd.

I think if the traditional teaching way gets rid of the restrictions of time and place, I won’t like online courses, because online courses are so boring and tiring.




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