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Coping with challenges_应对挑战英语作文200字

2020-01-04 13:00:01

Most of the time, success is just like through a wooden bridge, the cause of the failure is often not ability is low, weak, but lost the positive attitude in the face of difficulties, lost heart, panic hands and feet, showed various degrees of timidity, also did not play, is lost. God closes this window and will open another door for you. The negative says: I can only believe when I see it. And the positive will say, as long as I believe, I will see. The positive take action, the negative is still. The same glass of water, the negative says it's only half, and the positive says it's already half full. Because the positive person poured water into the cup, the negative person draws water from the cup. Life is like a race, we can't change its rules, but we can choose what kind of mentality to treat the competition. A positive mindset can help you overcome your fears and achieve your potential through this small wooden bridge.




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