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A social experiment provokes thinking_一个社会实验引发的思考作文200字

2020-01-05 13:45:01

What happens when a Chinese asks directions in Chinese in Korea? A Chinese student studying in South Korea did an experiment. In the experiment, some koreans were able to speak a little Chinese, such as: sorry, I can't understand what you're saying. Are you Chinese? Or, can you speak English? Their pronunciation is a little strange, but some people in Korea learn Chinese very surprising, they are willing to learn some difficult foreign language is great! Although not everyone will be a little Chinese, but every Korean exchanges warmly, they think of some way to understand what you mean, even out his phone and looking for a language translation, it's not like some people said: Korean is not friendly to the Chinese, south Korean people insult to China. Therefore, we cannot easily believe the rumors of some people on the Internet, and some people cannot represent the majority of people. We should treat problems rationally and love peace.




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