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My sister_我的妹妹英语作文250字

2020-01-06 05:45:01

I have a sister. Her name is Alice . She is one year old. She has short hair. She has a fat face. It looks like a big red apple. She has big eyes and a small mouth. She has only one tooth, but she can eat cookies. Her arms and legs are fat, too. But she can crawl very fast on the floor.

My sister is very naughty. She doesn’t sleep at night but sleeps at daytime. So my mother is tired to take care of her. She always crawls here and there, sofa, bed, chair, everywhere she likes to go. She likes to play with the toys. Bricks are her favourite. She likes to make different shapes with the bricks. Sometime it’s a house, sometimes it’s a bus. I think she is a smart girl. She likes to play with me. She likes my story-telling. She always asks me to tell stories for her.

There is a cartoon “Present Sheep and Mr. Wolf” on TV. My sister likes it so much. Every time when I turn on the TV, she always says “present sheep” to me, asks me to watch the cartoon. And every time she hears the theme song of the cartoon, she will sing and dance on the floor. Actually she can not sing and dance, she just shakes her little body to show us she likes it very much. She is so cute.

My sister is smooth-tongued. She likes to call me “sister”, call my dad “daddy”, call my mom “mummy”. She often call us many times a day.

In my eyes, my sister is naughty, lovely and smart. I like her.








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