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Wings for Love_爱的翅膀英语演讲稿

2020-01-06 17:00:01

Dear teachers and students,

hello everyone!Today I have the honour to stand here to share my opnions about love.

Firstly,I want to ask a question,what is love?

There are many kinds of love in the world.Parents' love、teachers' love、friends'love even strangers' love.With the love of our parents ,we can open the life picture ;With the love of our teachers,we can describe a better life article;With the love of friends,we can feel the joy of growth,With the love of strangers,our world become better and better.

A saying ,which moved me deeply,is"I'm happy,because I love,because I have love."

Yeah,because we have love,because we love others,we are happy in the world.

Love,what a beautiful word!Although it can't be touched,we can feel it by heart.

If there is no love in the world,we even don't have the bravery to help the old man who fall on the road!It is really uncommon.I think,everyone wants to do that,but no one to do.Why?Because there is no love between people.

Now,it's hard to say,there is lots of love in the world.But I want to tell a story,or rather,a real story of mine.

On the first day of the senior high school entrance examination,because I was so excited last night that I even got up late in the morning,and my father was not here,he sent my brother to his examinathion hall.I can just run to the school by myself,Even though I ran quickly,it was too late,I'll be late!But to my surprise,a man who rode a bike suddenly appeared,he said,"Hey,young boy,do you have a exam today?Oh,you are too late."then he suddenly gave his bike to me,and clapped my shoulder,he told me"Boy,Go ahead!I'm behind you!"I said nothing but only cried.Then I rode to the school.

In those days,I could really feel the love from others around me,parents、teachers、strangers. To be the honest,I thought I was the happiest man in the world at that time.

Even now,I still remember what that man said,he said"Boy,Go ahead!I'm behind you!"It really touched me deeply.Because of him,I could get into this school I wanted to enter.The world is beautiful and worm because of love.

So I belive that one day,everyone will dare to help the old man who fall on the road.

I belive that one day,everyone will help others without reservation.

I belive that one day,everyone can be the best man in their minds!

No love no life,this is my view.So please let the love we cherish be carried forward forever ,so that every corner of this world,whether dark or light,can be filled with love.At the last ,I hope that all of us can be loved by the world.Thank you,my speech is over!


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  1. 2021-03-14 04:14张钟[四川省网友]IP:3407780882


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