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A Long Walk to Freedom_漫漫自由路读后感600字

2020-01-07 14:00:02

The book tells the story of Mandela's life, but there is little environment, intellectual virtues of childhood, defiant, began to recognize the fact that the youth, look for the target, continuous struggle of middle age, prison suffering and optimism, struggle more than old age, was released from prison after the end of the political career guide the people. The author describes Mandela's life from an objective point of view, showing the real life of a great generation of great men.

Mandela's life is ordinary but great, Mandela has a nature of the passions, will hesitate, will be lonely, but the most valuable is his desire for freedom and the belief, he can be in prison for 27 years now. For 27 years, not only did Mandela not lose his ambition, but his willpower was more tenacious, his thought more mature, his suffering purified, and his tragedy elevated. There is no doubt that Mandela belongs to this kind of person.

The father of South Africa, Mandela was born in a South African black nation's family, the second son of the chief of the clan. However, when Mandela was 9 years old, his father died of tuberculosis. The tribe Regent became his guardian, Mandela and I went to the palace to leave his father not far from the Wesleyan Church School class. In accordance with the tembue habit, he started from the age of 16 by. It took Mandela 2 years to finish junior high school, which was usually completed in 3 years. Because of his father's position, he was designated as the successor of the dynasty.

Mandela is a statesman. Many people may think he like Gandhi, like Martin Ruud Kim, is a non violent non cooperation believers, but through his self and his actions, we can see clearly that the non violent cooperation, he is more from a practical point of view selection strategy. In fact, he was not disgusted with the violence, and even he was the founder and leader of the national spear army. As a politician, pragmatism is a basic quality, Mandela is such a person, when non violent cooperation can win more exciting, he advocated non violent cooperation, when the oppression of the government does not take when armed struggle cannot break, he bravely organized armed resistance. It is not that he is changing, but that he takes appropriate measures according to the change of the situation, which is probably the so-called holy time.

Read his experience, moved once and again in the heart, the feeling of admired in the heart. In his 27 years of long prison life, he faced all the different people he met, including the caretaker, the police and the prison manager, who had been tortured and mistreated by human kindness. He said: "oppressors and the oppressed alike need to be liberated. Those who take other people's freedom are prisoners of hatred. They are imprisoned by biased and short-sighted grille." Mandela's life is a classic legend -- like Martin Luther King and Sancho Gandhi as full of fighting spirit, and full of compassion, vagrant story makes the whole world all a hideous mess instant becomes warm.




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