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Dance With The Wolves_与狼共舞观后感800字

2020-01-07 14:00:02

This film is about the White Knight Dunbar and the Indian tribes in the great environment developed in the west of the United States. Dunbar active request to the opening border where the garrison the border along the way, you can see the vast wilderness and wild west atmosphere scenery, for the entire movie brings a kind of great momentum and desolate feeling of loneliness. When Dunbar arrived at the stationing base, he was lonely, but he followed the army's discipline and strictly asked himself to accomplish his daily tasks. This allows us to see the perseverance and rigour of Dunbar as a soldier. At the same time as the next film he to the Sioux and White army confrontation bought a foreshadowing, the climax of the film is the last he and Bai People's confrontation, let the audience forget he is actually a white soldier. This kind of human resistance is a kind of irony to the white people for the colonial people.

Natural charm is naturally infinite, and it should be obvious to everyone. We can look at the frontier in the blue sky in a daze, no rebuke; at the frontier, we can hold a cup of coffee, a ride at will, two socks, so comfortable to spend a second, despite the fact that large forces may have to give up yourself. And lieutenant Dunbar chose to go to a dangerous one, let me sad clan - pure Comanche, their simple, kind, unity, but because the white soldiers once again violated the destruction of their natural and their hunting, they live together in peace together, in order to defend their homes and sacrifice they resist the alien, they....... Here, there is no Dunbar and no lieutenant, only dance with the wolf.

But there is a case worth thinking and paying attention to. The loneliness of people brings people a lot of dead feelings and courage and strength. So, most people find their way home just let yourself freed from loneliness such as marriage, for example, for example, for power, for dances with wolves. The other dimension is to overcome loneliness -- self cultivation, either religious or belief, is only one of the most common ways, but self deception is also a kind of success, and in many cases, the effect is remarkable.

Of course, the film is not the good things all torn tragedy, the hero from completely unable to communicate to the nation to go into Indian, the whole process is magical; play a battle the people applauded the male and female will dance for joy; because of love, in Indian with the help of the people come together. Only in the end of the drama, the film has made a historical account of the tragedy of the Indian nation, and does not elaborate on what the main characters in the film have. And the last scene was only to evacuate the empty village and the dead wolf, giving the audience a little psychological comfort. The director may have given the best outcome in such a historical context. This is probably because the director doesn't want to expose the fact that human nature is defeated by desire and life. He doesn't want to smash the dream that "miracles happen every day" and humans live in harmony with all things. Kindness protects the audience's hope and yearning for human nature.

In this restless society, we really need to let the heart slowly calm down, feel good, the so-called "piece of art is to make people feel the beauty of the human nature and emotional resonance, the most successful is a commercial film," dances with Wolves "is undoubtedly successful, screenwriter Michael Black once said" the function of art, is to impress people, let them take action "I think this sentence is the best summary of the movie.




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