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Education gives people precious stones_教育给人宝石英语作文

2020-01-07 16:45:01

One night, a businessman was walking along a dark mountain road. Suddenly, a mysterious voice called, "bend down, please pick up some more pebbles.Tomorrow there will be a surprise. The merchant heard this and picked up a few pebbles. The next day, a wonderful thing happened——all the pebbles were turned into precious stones. The merchant felt very sorry,because he didn't pick enough stones.

This is a story told by the scientist Pavlov. After he finished the story, he said: "this is the way of education -- when we grow up, we will find that the knowledge we learned before is a precious jewel, but at the same time, we will feel a pity, because we learn too little.”

Education gives people "precious stones", but there are always people too tired to bend over, or turn a blind eye, as a result, missed many opportunities! This tells us that we should believe a word: for educated, you will never regret, and it will benefit you for a lifetime!We should enjoy learning to our hearts' content.




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