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The power of cooperation is even stronger_合作的力量更强大英语作文200字

2020-01-07 16:45:01

No matter how talented a person is, the collective is always smarter and more powerful than him. To give an example of life, there is a person who is very smart and capable, but likes to go alone and do everything by himself. After graduating from college, he went to a company. Soon, he found it difficult to integrate into the company. Because many of the company's things are done by everyone together, he didn't find anything that can be done by himself. Therefore, he felt very painful and the final result was to leave. One of the characteristics of social civilization is that while human beings are becoming more and more powerful, they are also becoming more and more lonely and vulnerable. In the traditional agricultural society, as long as you are healthy and self - sufficient, you can avoid frequent contact with other people. However, as society becomes more civilized and progressive, the division of labor in society becomes finer and finer. The meaning, effect and method of work and study depend on the cooperation between people. The living conditions for individuals to leave the group are less and less. The spirit of cooperation is an essential moral character. Without cooperation, many things cannot be completed and many difficult problems cannot be solved.


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  1. 2020-12-26 06:22守护,这份爱[山西省网友]IP:738106672


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