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Chongqing a Colorful City_重庆一个色彩斑斓的城市英语作文200字

2020-01-09 05:45:01

Chongqing, a beautiful city! It’s a hilly place on two rivers. There are 13 huge bridges on Yangzi River and Jialing River. So, people always called Chongqing “a City of Bridges”. Every day, there’re lots of boats past the city. At night, the lights on the banks of the rivers can brighten up anyone’s eyes and mind.

There’re many great buildings in Chongqing. A famous one in called the Monument for Liberation. It’s a monument for celebrate the liberty of our country. But now, it’s the downtown place in Chongqing.

You can taste a lot of delicious food in Chongqing, too. Try some hot pot, for example. (Not hotpot!) No matter which kind of food would you like, you can find anything here, from spicy things to the desserts.

This is Chongqing. It’s traditional but develops rapidly. It’s leisurely but energetic. Although the climates here aren’t very well, I love this city, a place with mountains, rivers, fog and smiles.




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