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What Kind of Jobs Should We Choose_我们应该选择哪种工作作文150字

2020-01-09 18:30:01

As a high school student, looking for a job is far away from us. Now we should facus on studying. But when we enter a university in the future, we should think about it.

So what kind of jobs are right for us? Many people may need to make a choice between high pay and interest. A high salary job is good, it can provide a better life for us, but a more suitable job for you will lead to a better future. If I had a choice, I will choose what I am interested in. In my opinion, if a high salary job is boring , I'd rather choose a passion job. Next, we should choose an ideal university for us, and then study hard.

Choosing a right job is one of the most important thing for us, so we need to think carefully.




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