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Mobile Phones on Campus_校园里的手机英语作文150字

2020-01-10 02:00:01

With the development of technology, more and more students have their own mobile phones on campus. I think it is a good thing.

Mobile phone is an important tool in our life, both study and work, so we can not leave it. It makes our life more convenient, but it also causes many problems. Some students can not balance playtime and study time. For example, it is time to review lessons, but they are still playing games with mobile phones. They are too playful to pass the exam at last. Most of them who wear glasses are spend too much time on their phones.

So I think, we should focus on studying and taking part in some activities instead of playing with mobile phones. We should look less at them for our eyes’ and bodies’ health. Mobile phones should be used to the best advantage.




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