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My new year wish_我的新年愿望英语作文250字

2020-01-11 07:00:01

The new year comes again, this also means that we are one year older, one step closer to maturity.

However, since growth, desire not to be able again to ever so childish. Still remember when you wish is when astronauts, the teacher, the doctor this. Of course, small time often with mom and dad said that must be admitted to Qinghua, Beijing university. But now we also have some not mature in the promise that is difficult to achieve the desire, for this reason I wish this year is very practical, as long as I work hard enough, I can do it. My wish is that in the next semester grades in class ten, because the final exam failed the exam, exam is especially poor, family members are not very satisfied. Of course, this desire also achieve good, don't need the money, only need enough time and patience.

I believe that as long as the stick to one thing to do, not what is not a play. I wish no kid so great, but it is very realistic. Really hope my wish can come true, for their own fuel! Cheer for me!






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