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More beautiful after wind and rain_风雨后更美英语作文200字

2020-01-17 20:00:01

Life is fair to everyone, suffering is only to show the great significance of truly beautiful life. Einstein could not speak until he was four years old and could not read until he was seven years old. The teacher commented on him as " slow - witted, unsociable and full of unrealistic fantasies." He was expelled from school and was also rejected when he applied to Zurich Institute of Technology. Edison's reaction was extremely slow when he was a child. Teachers all thought that he had no ability to learn. He did more than 2,000 experiments before he invented the light bulb. A reporter asked him how he felt about having failed so many times. He replied, " I have never failed once. I invented the light bulb, and the whole process of invention had just 2,000 steps. " Frustration is something everyone has to go through. It can happen at every stage of our life, but it obviously doesn't mean your path is over. On the contrary, it is likely to be a turning point in life, which can fully promote a person's growth and then create a brilliant life. The important thing is whether you can break through the thick fog, stick to it and keep the clouds open.




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