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Introduce myself_自我介绍英语作文150字

2020-01-21 11:45:01

Hello, my name is Li Yanshuang. My English name is Cherry. I am a very lively and sunny girl.

English is my favorite curriculum. I think spoken English is very important in English and my spoken English is also good. I don't like math very much.But I have to admit,Mathematics takes up a lot of space in our daily life. So I hope I can learn math well.

I like purple very much.Because I heard that purple represents elegance and temperament.I like blue, too.It represents wisdom.

My favorite book is a dream of red mansions.This book is rich in content.I like Harry Potter, too.The book has a rich imagination.

Besides these, I also like to make friends.Would you like to be my friend?




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