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Wonderful Garden_小园香径英语读后感800字

2020-02-01 15:15:01

Reading this picture book, the most shocking me is nothing more than those gorgeous, glittering and eyeball illustrations. I looked at it first, completely conquered by these paintings - extreme magnificence, nobility and truth. My brain produces an illusion in a flash, a picture of photography. No, this is a picture drawn by Chris Gina S Williams, an artist from Iceland. Not from the bottom of my heart have infinite praise: the artist's talent so amazing, draw such a vivid exquisite and magnificent picture.

See the "wonderful" flower garden "is a wonderful open a garden gate, each page is a variety of animal and plant coverage, the garden is divided into five parts, one is the Amazon rainforest, a Great Barrier Reef, a Chihuahua desert, a German Schwarzwald, the last one is the Himalaya mountains. All four of these five places with a great reputation in the Chihuahua desert, but had not heard of, look at the introduction, the original Chihuahua desert is located in the United States and Mexico border, is the largest desert in North America, is the world's most abundant species in the desert, no wonder did not choose the Sahara, certainly because of the Sahara desert in little what animal. The name of the garden tells you that you are a popular science book, and you may think it is a plant in the garden. In fact, the main purpose of the author is to be popular in popular science. But the picture is very beautiful, like a garden.

The environment of animal life is generally divided into 3 groups: aquatic animals, such as fishes, terrestrial animals, such as reptiles, flying animals, birds, etc. How can the animals be concentrated in a scene and appear to be natural and harmonious? Only in the wild can animals show their most natural side. Most of the interesting pictures of animals come from mountains, forests, jungles, deserts, lakes and oceans. The author selects 5 typical ecosystems: the Amazon rainforest, Great Barrier Reef, the Chihuahua desert, Schwarzwald, and the Himalaya mountains. It introduces tropical rainforests, deserts, forests, mountains, and the wild animals in the ocean.

From each animal's hair can see the artist's delicate style and solid foundation, whether it is still standing, or run or jump, show animal elegance and charming lines, especially bright eyes, seems to be as they brought into the reader with the casual visitor, or alert look at the picture outside our eyes. Of course, there is no lack of interesting and naughty lovely sprout, and I really like a little friend. Overall, even for the beast, artists will also be the eyes and facial expressions to do some soft, so that all of the animal can give a person a kind of friendly feeling, the child did not because of the fear of the strange rare animal.

Visual impact is the greatest feature of the wonderful garden. Opening the plastic seal will be attracted by his gorgeous appearance. The background of the dark hue is painted with exquisite patterns, painted patterns, bright colors of plants and animals, bright red flowers and bright red flowers, giving people strong visual appeal. Adhering to this style, every picture in it is bold and colorful, enabling readers to appreciate the beauty of art while reading related science and knowledge of animals and plants. It is very rare that the wonderful garden has done this with the cross - boundary cooperation of science experts and art masters.

In general, this wonderful garden is really wonderful. It is not only the exquisite drawing, but also the illustrations of the graphic and literary science. For the children of the Enlightenment of learning science knowledge is in endless awesome! Read the "wonderful garden", enjoy the unprecedented visual feast, accept the vivid and intuitive scientific knowledge popularization.




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