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写我/自己/个人的作文:Thisisme (写人作文)

2020-02-03 08:45:01

My Chinese name is LaiChengYe ,English name is Lin .I ’m a boy of 8 years old ,I have a big head,two small eyes,but I’m lovely。I live in FuZhou。I’m an only child,I look like my father。

I ’m a primary school student, I study in PingBei primary school, I ’m in Grade 3,I have some good friends。

I like English、Chinese、Math very much。I got full marks in my English test,and I got an “good”in other tests,But composition is a little hard for me 。

My favorite sport is badminton and swimming。I am interested in watching TV。

I want to be a science in the future,Now I study hard to make my dreams come true。

This is me--LaiChengYe ,let’s be friends。



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