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2020-05-02 14:33:01

Spring Festival stands for the beginning of the new year.. People think the Spring Festival can bring happiness, good luck, health, fortune, etc 1. What does the Spring Festival stands for? 2.What can the Spring Festival bring ? The Spring Festival can bring new hope to Chinese. New beginning, new hope Why do they go back to hometown to celebrate the Spring Festival? Video My family built a new house, I want to have a look. My baby is already one year old ,she has never met her grandparents before My parents are old now, Spring Festival is the only time for us the five children of the family to get together. I miss my mum so much! I m really tired , I want to go home and have a good rest. Because they want to spend the Spring Festival with their parents and brothers and sisters. The Spring Festival is a good time for Chinese to spend time with friends and relatives. It can help to get closer. Why do they go back to hometown to celebrate the Spring Festival? How can we carry on 传承 this tradition? How can we carry on 传承 this tradition? enjoy our Chinese festivals with our relatives instead of spending time on western festivals understand and carry on the essence 精髓of Chinese culture learn more about the Spring Festival through books ,TV, Internet, etc and introduce it to the world. 1. 春节的基本介绍 time, food, activities 。 ...



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