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2020-05-04 12:00:01


2018 11 17阅读98评论

求英语暑假作文 400字Happy summer holidaysIn my eyes, summer vacation is happy, is happy, is long, is rich, is interesting ... ... We before the test, always lo

2018 10 09阅读177评论

As we all know, Beijing is China‘s capital and the Great Wall is a great building in the world, I am proud of the Great Wall.First, the Great Wall two thousand

2018 05 15阅读109评论

作文 玩的故事!! 要写你在玩中获得的道理!!急急急! !!!!“两位需要什么呀?”两个小妹妹一起说:“要肠!”我把肠放在两个小妹妹手里,两个小妹妹都一本正经地说:“一元一根,她们又转了回来,小

2018 05 15阅读204评论

考研英语一作文书哪本好? 考研英语的热点话题30篇《写作押题突击宝》,是“临考突击”的最佳范本。话题新颖,紧扣时下主题。而且,押题快准狠,直击考点预测性强;写作方法绝巧妙,透析

2018 05 15阅读121评论

作文读()有感 我想大家都看过《西游记》这部名著,这本书的内容生动而有趣,故事情节扑朔迷离,特别吸引人,让人一看就想一口气看完。这里面的人物形象各有千秋,人物性格也千差万别。

2018 05 14阅读108评论

英语作文带翻译 1. How to spend my weekendIam going to prepare for my lessons because the Mid term exam is coming. I am sure if I have good preparation, I will

2018 05 14阅读213评论

急需初一英语作文范文(题目:介绍自己) My name is Winnie.I m a 15 years old girl. I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao. I m an active,lovely and clever girl.In t

2018 05 14阅读287评论

初中英语作文范文保护水资源: As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. Wh

2018 05 14阅读314评论

英语作文带翻译 1. How to spend my weekendIam going to prepare for my lessons because the Mid term exam is coming. I am sure if I have good preparation, I will

2018 05 11阅读402评论

英语作文带翻译 1. How to spend my weekendIam going to prepare for my lessons because the Mid term exam is coming. I am sure if I have good preparation, I will



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