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2020-05-23 12:33:01


今年的春节和往年的不太一样。春节期间原本车水马龙的街道现在变得格外空旷,车辆行人屈指可数了;餐馆原本都是座无虚席的,现在变得门可罗雀;原本公园在过年的时候都是人山人海的,但现在变得空空荡荡;原本商场一直都是热闹非凡的,但现在变得冷冷清清 人们都去哪了呢?因为新型冠状病毒大肆蔓延全国,人们都待在家里躲避病毒了。

This year s Spring Festival is different from previous years. During the Spring Festival, the streets that used to be full of traffic are now very empty, and there are only a few vehicles and pedestrians. The restaurants used to be full of seats, but now they are sparrows. The parks used to be full of people during the Spring Festival, but now they are empty. The shopping malls used to be bustling, but now they are cold and clear Novel coronavirus has spread all over the country, and people are staying at home to avoid viruses.

这场病毒来势汹汹,短短10多天确诊人数逾2。8万例,但是在党中央的坚强领导下,举国上下迅速全面打响疫情防控阻击战!无私奉献的医护人员放弃和家人团聚的假期,一直坚守自己的岗位;悬壶济世的医学科研专家赶赴疫区前线,遏制疫情,保护亿万中国人;英勇无畏的人民子弟兵援助抗击疫情工作;正直善良的工作者排除万难每天第一时间为我们提供最新的疫情信息;敢于担当的党员干部做抗击疫情的排头兵;企业家、海外同胞慷慨解囊;国际友人捐赠物资 ,还有自觉自律宅在家不给国家添乱添堵的你我他。少出门,不访友,勤洗手,常通风,关注疫情,不传谣言,大家众志成城,抗击疫情。

The virus is threatening, with more than two confirmed cases in just over 10 days. 80000 cases, but under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, the whole country quickly and comprehensively launched the prevention and control of the epidemic! Selfless medical staff gave up the holiday of reuniting with their families, and have been holding their own posts; medical research experts from xuanhu Jishi rushed to the front line of the epidemic area to contain the epidemic and protect hundreds of millions of Chinese; brave and fearless people s child soldiers assisted in the fight against the epidemic; honest and kind Our journalists are the first to provide us with the latest epidemic information every day. Our party members and cadres dare to take the lead in fighting the epidemic. Our entrepreneurs and overseas compatriots are generous. Our international friends are donating materials And you and I who are self conscious and self disciplined and stay at home and don t add chaos to the country. Do not go out, do not visit friends, wash hands frequently, often ventilate, pay attention to the epidemic situation, do not spread rumors, we are united to fight the epidemic.

在这众多的英雄人物中,令我印象深刻的是钟南山院士,84岁高龄的他坐上广州开往武汉的高铁,赶往疫区前线,带领着医护人员共抗病魔。钟南山院士每天高强度的工作,夜里只能睡4个多小时。当看到他双眼浮肿和大家汇报疫情时,我感到万分心疼,难怪人们都说: 有袁隆平就有饭吃,有钟南山就不怕生病。 钟爷爷您就是大家的治病 良药 ,您就是大家的 定心丸 啊!我要向您学习,将来做一个为国家、为社会、为人民效劳的人。

Among these heroes, I am deeply impressed by academician Zhong Nanshan. At the age of 84, he sat on the high speed railway from Guangzhou to Wuhan, rushed to the front line of the epidemic area, and led the medical staff to fight against the disease. Academician Zhong Nanshan works hard every day and can only sleep for more than 4 hours at night. When I saw that his eyes were puffy and everyone reported the epidemic situation, I felt extremely distressed. No wonder people all said, if there is Yuan Longping, there will be food. If there is Zhong Nanshan, there will be no fear of illness. Grandpa Zhong, you are everyone s good medicine and you are everyone s reassurance . I want to learn from you and be a person who will serve the country, the society and the people in the future.

在这一场没有硝烟的战争中,还出现了一些 害群之马 。有为了钱财捕捉野生动物的人;有满足自己的味蕾食用野生动物的人,有发国难才售卖不达标口罩、哄抬价物的无良奸商 请你们这些人醒醒吧! 国家有难,匹夫有责 , 有国才有家 这个道理你们难道不懂吗?



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