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2020-05-30 16:12:01

上海牛津版本六年级英语上册作文范文最新同步整理12篇作文1:My favourite city 我最喜欢的城市My favourite city is Beijing. It is a beautiful/big city in China. The weather is hot in summer and cold in winter. There are many interesting places in Beijing. For example,the Great Wall ,the Summer Palace and the Palace Museum. You can eat the Beijing Roast Duck. Many snacks are nice,too. I love Beijing. What’s your favourite city?作文2:My dream 我的梦想I have a dream. I want to be a writer in the future. I want to write stories for children. To make my dream come true, I will study hard. I will read many books.I will travel around the world. This is my dream. What’s your dream?作文3:My summer holiday plans我的暑假计划The summer holiday is coming. I’m very excited. I will go to Hong Kong. I will go there by plane. I will stay there for a week. I will go to Disneyland. I will go to the Ocean Park. I will take some photos there. I will have a wonderful summer holiday! What’s your plan?作文4: An interesting country 一个有趣的国家Australia is an interesting country. The weather is usually warm and sunny. You will find many interesting things in Australia . You will love the kangaroos and the koalas. They’re cute. Sport lovers like Australian football games. It’s very exciting. You will also like Sydney. It’s a beautiful city. Go and visit Australia today!作文5: Being a good student做一名好学生/How to be a good student?A good student should have some good habits. He should get up early. He should go to school early. He should have meals on time. He should follow the traffic rules. He should do well at school. He should listen to the teachers. He should finish his homework on time. What do you think?作文6:Road safety 道路安全How to cross a busy road safely? We must look for a zebra crossing first. Then we must look at the traffic lights and wait for the green man. Sometimes, we can wait on the pavement and look out for the cars. We can cross the road with other people. We mustn’t play or run on the road. It’s not safe. Follow the rules and stay safe on the road.作文7 :A healthy diet 健康饮食In a healthy diet, there is a lot of fruit and vegetables. There is also some rice and bread. You can have some meat and fish in your meals. You can have an egg every day. Milk is good for your body. You can have some milk every day. Sweet food is bad for your teeth. Eat a little at a time. Do you have a healthy diet?作文8: Growing up 长大I have many photos. In photo 1 , I was a baby. I was small and cute. I was 6 months old.In Photo 2, I was 2 years old.I played with my toys. I had short hair and big eyes.In Photo 3, I was 6 years old.I went to primary school. I played basketball with my friends.Now I am 11 years old. I have long hair. I am tall and pretty/ handsome.作文9 : My summer holiday During the summer holiday, I went to some places. In July, I went to Beijing by plane. I went to the Great Wall. I also visitedTian’anmen Square and the Palace Museum.In August, I stayed with my grandparents in the countryside. My grandmother cooked delicious food for me and we picked some apples. I went fishing with my grandfather, too.I enjoyed my summer holiday. I had a good time.作文10: Healthy or unhealthy ? Keep healthy 保持健康We should be healthy children. We should eat a lot of fruit and vegetable. We should drink a lot of water and some milk. We shouldn’t eat a lot of candy ,hamburgers ,ice cream or chocolate . we should not drink cola. We should eat a little meat. We should play sport very often .I can be a strong and healthy kid.作文11 Our neighbours 我们的邻居I have a new neighbour. Her name is Alice. She is a petty girl. She is 11 years old. She is a student too. We are good friends now. She likes playing the piano. I went to the beach with her last weekend. We swam in the sea. We also took some beautiful photos. We had a good time.作文12: Animals in danger 动物处于危险中Wild animals are our good frie 学科网每份资料都启用了数字版权保护,仅限个人学习研究使用。任何分享、转载行为都会导致账号被封,情节严重者,追究法律责任!



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