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2020-06-06 16:54:01

Merry Christmas

Among many traditional western holidays, Christmas is the holiday I enjoy and like most. Christmas is one of the most beautiful holidays of all time. It is the day when God ’s son was born on earth. Hence, this day is sacred for all Christians around the world. Due to the integration of Eastern and Western culture, it has become a worldwide festival.

Christmas celebrations can vary markedly from country to country. For many Christians, a religious service plays an important part in there cognition of the season. The Christmas season gives rise to a number of Christmas traditions that come along such as preparing Christmas cake, sending gifts to loved ones, decorating the Christmas tree, lighting up the Christmas candle, singing Christmas carols, making of Cribs, making of Cribs and distributing Christmas candies. These are celebrated with zest and enthusiasm worldwide for centuries.

Secular processions, featuring Santa Claus and other seasonal figures are often held. Family reunions and the exchange of gifts are a widespread feature of the season, and this is the way Chinese enjoy Christmas. One of the dominant themes of Christmas is happiness, and that is why I like Christmas most.

The memories about Christmas for me was always full of happiness. It occurs to me that the Christmas I spent with my family. Almost every Christmas, my parents would accompany me and my brother to go out and eat fast food or at restaurants. When I was a little girl, on Christmas Eve, my parents bought a Christmas hat to me, then we went to church and I got the candies from Santa Claus. At that time, my parents held my little hand, and we walked on the crowded street with twinkling Christmas lights. That was my first Christmas, happy and romantic. On Christmas Eve, the street shops front donned beautiful Christmas trees, playing Christmas songs, and supermarket employee also wore a lovely Christmas hat. Snows time was more

attractive, and everywhere was fluttering the snowflake, fell on people’s body. Everyone on the streets were happy and excited even crazy, smiling, praying. People, especially young man, enjoyed themselves at the accompany of their families or friends in this carnival. Joy and peace of Christmas were with everyone. I always enjoyed this kind of romantic atmosphere greatly.

If I had to say something I don’t like about Christmas is that it has become too commercialized and the true meaning of Christmas is gradually disappearing. With a highly commercialized and non religious affairs, lots of money is spent annually on decoration, diners and gifts. Some young people have become disillusioned with how commercialized Christmas has become. While I do say, although greatly commercialized, like the modern Santa Claus it still embodies Saint Nicholas’ s generosity and love for children. And for some, he still points to the Nativity of the babe in the manger, and reminds us of the reason we celebrate Christmas. So like someone said, Christmas is only as commercial as you make it. You choose what Christmas means to you.

All in all, Christmas is for gaiety, mirth, song, and for good and wondrous gifts. But mostly, Christmas is for love. To understand the real meaning of Christmas, to find the genuine Christmas spirit and to remember it is a season of families getting together, giving, and good cheer. Merry Christmas.

564 words



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