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英语作文手机支付” 要求阐明主题 分析原因及意义 个人观点。

2020-06-09 17:51:01

Nowadays, mobile phone is more and more useful for our life. When we are enjoying benefits that mobile phone brought us, we will think if mobile phone can do everything.

Of course, mobile phone can do a lot of things. At first, we can know series news or something we like by surfing the internet on mobile phone. Secondly, we can use it to look up the word in the digital dictionary for learning.So, it is very convenient for us.

Mobile phone can do a lot of things don’t means it can do everything. And many things need we do, rather than a mobile phone. We also need learn more to make us average up. If we don’t know the knowledge we will need, maybe we can find it by mobile phone, but it is too slow. So, I think although mobile phone is useful and convenient, we also need learning.


Have you ever been bothered by some massages which are not you want?Have you ever received a massage saying"Congratulations , you will have 100 million tomorrow "When you or your friends have been deceived, you will be very angry but do not know who sent such massages to you.Now there is a good way to solve the problem, it is mobile phone identification policy.It refers to the phone number related to personal identification.It can reduce the spams effectively ,and it has other benefits. when you lost your mobilphone, and you do not remember your phone number password, you can provide your ID card,do not worry about that you can not retrieve your owen number,Do not worry about other people do some bad things with your number.For operators, mobile phone identification policy able to manage users and avoid malicious arrears phenomenon.mobile phone identification policyis a measure benefits the country, should be pursued actively.

显示评论内容(3) 收起评论内容
  1. 2022-03-03 23:29白墙[吉林省网友]IP:762442459
  2. 2021-01-24 20:42我有很多话想对你说[贵州省网友]IP:3407451076
  3. 2019-12-18 17:55男闺蜜。[内蒙古网友]IP:3389541730


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