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求一篇关于折线图的英文作文字数150字以上 最好是万能模板

2020-06-13 08:00:01

Recently we made a survey of the people on physical training.From the result,we can draw the conclusion that 35% people have take sports during their space time.While the rest have never.There are some reasons.Firstly,about 13% people are unable to do physical training because they don’t know how to do it or it is not convenient for them to go to the training place which is far from their houses.Secondly,some people,about 34.9%,say that there are not facilities.The main reason is people lack of time,which takes up half of the people.However,it is important to do physical training because it can not only build up our bodies but only protect us from illness.Action should be taken by the government.Such as,providing people some training places and facilities.Above all,people should save time to do sports.



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