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2020-06-13 08:03:01


The two charts below demonstrate the survival rate of females who have cancer.

Write a report to a university lecturer.

You should write at least 150 words.

The graphs below demonstrate the effect of treatment of alimentary tract cancer and lymph sarcoma cancer in females.

We can see from the first graph that the surviving rate of people who have alimentary tract cancer with out treatment is 40 percent one year after diagnosis. With time passing by, the surviving rate falls down steadily to 20 percent five years after diagnosis. However, the surviving rate of the patients with treatment is 75 per cent one year after diagnosis and 50 per cent five years later.

The second graph illustrates that the surviving rate of people who have 1ymphosarcoma cancer is about 35 per cent one year after diagnosis, whether they are treated or not. Nevertheless, we can notice the fact that the surviving rate of the 1ymphosarcoma patients without treatment is 25 per cent five years after diagnosis while the surviving rate of those with treatment is nearly zero.

We can conclude from the statistics above that treatment to alimentary tract cancer is very effective, which enhances the surviving rate of people infected with alimentary cancer, while the treatment to lymph sarcoma cancer is ineffective, and in some sense, has negative effect.



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