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高考英语满分作文50篇 高考英语满分作文必背 的相关文章推荐

2020-06-13 15:27:01

假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Bob将于九月到你所在城市的建新华文学校学中文,来信请你在学校附近为他找一套住房。请根据图画提供的信息,写信介绍住房的情况,并告知住房面积为25平方米,月租500元。注意:1.词数:100左右: 2.参考词汇:房租—Tentn.. I’m very happy to receive your letter, and I’m glad to hear that you will go to China to learn Chinese here. I have already found a fiat for you. It is on Fangcao Street, which is not far from Jianxin Chinese School. Bus No.11 can take you there, and it is one stop before the Chinese School. The flat is on the third floor with 3 rooms, one of which is bedroom, the other two are bathroom and kitchen. There are a bed, a sofa, a desk and some chairs in this 25 square



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