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求一篇英语作文 主题是为什么许多人喜欢园艺却不去做?有没有人会啊?

2020-06-13 17:33:01

关于不喜欢园艺的原因的英语作文I don’t like gardening.I have to admit that when looking at others’ gardens with beautiful flowers and pretty plants,I feel jealous and wish I had one like theirs,but things are always “easier said than done.”First of all,gardening is not only an art but also a hard work.You need to take care of the plants by watering and weeding.And you need to design the layout and sometimes build little bridges,put up shelves,trim,and so on.I can’t devote myself to this kind of work.Secondly,taking care of plants and flowers is very much like looking after children.You can’t leave them to live and die by themselves.You need to give them both nutrition and protection against storm,too much sunshine or bad insects.There is so much to learn that I don’t think I’m ready to do that.For all these reasons,I am not keen on gardening.But to tell you the truth,I don’t mind lending a hand when my parents are attending the garden of our own.179 words



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