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2020-06-14 13:42:01

In the above picture,there are four persons including student,businessman,career women and taxi driver playing smart phone on the road. The interesting picture provokes us to think about the addition to smartphones.

As we know, with the development of society,almost everyone owns a mobile phone and obviously, smartphone has become an indispensable part of modern life. Through the use of cellphones,people can browse entertainment gossip,play mini games,update circle of friends and upload self photos which enrich our daily life, bring us much pleasure and convenience by turning the earth into a global village that ignore the space distance.

However,the other side of the coin needs to draw public attention. More and more people are indulging in smart phones,which have remarkably impacted on the normal life. As we can see from the painting,no matter what people do, such as walking,waiting and even gathering,they cant help desiring to play mobile phone. People are immersed in the Internet world forgetting what they should do which results in working backwards and neglecting of family and friends.

All in all, people are supposed to distribute more time in real life. Smartphone is only a tool for glamorous life,and we ought not to be prisoners of it.Only by quitting addiction of smartphone,living with heart,can our life send out dazzling brilliance.



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