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求一篇英语作文 题目为《双休日》内容要提到双休日的利与弊和自己的安排.时间很紧迫 ..

2020-06-22 09:12:01

Today,we have two days off at the weekends.We have more free time to do what we want freely.But I think it has both advantages and disadvantages.Some people can make good use of these two days.They can have sports,go travelling or play with their friends.They may take part in many different kinds of good activities.They can improve their knowledge and abilities But some people cant make good use of the weekends.They spend a lot of time playing computer games.They dont have a good rest and always stay up too late at night to play.When they come back to school or work,they often feel tired and even dont want to study.I think we should plan our weekend carefully.I usually spend part of the two days on our hobbies.Then I read some famous books.Then I will chat with my friends or play with them for some time.On Sundays i often help my parents with thier housework.of course I watch TV.I enjoy my weekends very much.



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