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2020-06-22 13:09:01

This Too Shall Pass。一切都会过去。一说是所罗门王的故事。This Too Shall Pass: The Story of King Solomons Gold Ring。"This too shall pass." This simple phrase is said to have made the smile vanish from King Solomons face when he saw it engraved upon a small gold ring. Follow the link and read the story for yourself. You see, he realized that all his wisdom and great riches were fleeting because one day he would be dust. But far from being a truth that should throw us into despair, it should set us free. Now, more than ever, as financial institutions crumble and the housing market cracks under the weight of years of unsound lending practices, those of us who can translate history into meaningful responses know that we will get through this. 再给你一个中文网址:参考资料:



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