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2020-06-28 08:27:01

Spring has arrived, and it really beautiful! This is a land of rejuvenation, recovery all season. Like snakes, bears, frogs, such as ... ... have stopped hibernating cold blooded, and climbed up the ground to enjoy the spring. Small birds spring, flowers are Zhengyan, Xiaocaohu germination, swallows also nest flew back up, can spring to the earth so that the restoration of the Full atmosphere. Even the spring, spring has come for our continuous Baochun. Spring is the planting season, farmers took advantage of the good man is sowing season starts, and to have good harvest in autumn. Spring, it is not as dry hot summer, not fall as deserted, but also did not like the cold winter. And Spring is a vibrant, dynamic life. This brings me to our mother, the mother is like the earth, the mother gave birth to us, we will have a life, rejuvenate the earth, it would mean that everything has to be re started, all the life clean slate. It can be like spring, because it is beautiful in spring, giving a new start, the new harvest, new life, new hope. With the arrival of spring, the earth was completely green, and from the instrument to the soul are entirely new, the entire spring are green cover. This spring, not only gives new life, but also gives new hope. I love this beautiful spring.



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