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2020-07-03 17:18:01

摘要:3月4日雅思G类大作文考的是教育类话题,opinion题型,讨论是否所有的孩子都应该学习绘画,我们一起来看小站教研中心老师的范文! Task:Some people think all children should learn to paint and draw at school, but others think it is a waste of school time. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 参考范文: People hold divergent opinions about whether students should attend painting and drawing class at school. Some people believe it is beneficial for their development while others argue that it costs too much time. Some people may hold the viewpoint that students are already under enough pressure with their academic study, which has a direct relation with their future development. Subjects like math and science require amounts of time and numerous efforts. And on top of attending these classes every weekday, they have to do homework, preparing for the exams. Only when students have excellent school performance, can they enter top universities, which is not only the goal of the students, but also the expectation of most parents. However, just acquiring academic knowledge is not enough for students to cope with the challenges in the future and sometimes some other skills are also required in the real world tasks. Painting and drawing is a perfect way to encourage imagination and creativity, as well as concentration. If students are equipped with these skills through painting and drawing class, they will have an advantage over others who do not attend this kind of class in many tasks, such as writing a short story. In conclusion, from my point of view, although it may take some time for students to learn painting and drawing, it will contribute to their future development in the long term. And in this sense, this practice is worth encouraging. 239 words原创范文来自小站教研范砚秋老师



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