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2019 年 6 月雅思写作大作文预测及参考范文:媒体的力量

2020-07-04 10:12:02

为大家带来媒体类类写作话题预测,原题是:News media are important in modern society. Why are they important? And are their influences generally positive or negative? 在现代社会 , 媒体十分重要。为什么他们重要呢 ? 他们的影响是积极地还是消极的 ? 本期小站雅思君提供了参考范文,友情提示,范文并不是唯一的高分模板,仅供模仿和思路指引,建议考生取长补短,切勿照搬照抄。


Reading news has become a part of daily life of modern people. In my opinion, due to 2 main reasons, news media become increasingly important in modern society. In addition, I believe that news media has generally positive effects on society.

I consider news media plays a key role in modern society based on two reasons. Firstly, we live in the information era, that means our work and life are influenced by a at deal of information. News media is a useful tool for people to collect the important and newest information in order to be adjusted the information society. As for the other reason, there is a closer connection between modern people ’ s daily life and overseas news, as well as domestic new because of the development of globalization. Obviously, many people do not have enough opportunities to go abroad or visit other parts of their own country for collecting information by themselves. However, this problem can be tackled by news media, which allows people to learn what things happened all over the world recently just through TV, newspaper or Internet.

In terms of the advantages of news media, enormous information provided by it is able to guide the development of companies. For instance, if an enterprise plans to invest in a foreign country, the policy news about the investment of this country would enable managers of this company to avoid some risks. Apart from that, news media is also beneficial to society supervision. Lots of problems exist in our society, some of them can not be realized by individuals and authorities. Once these problems are exposed by news media, public and relevant government departments will pay attention to them and try to take actions to solve them.

On the other hand, news media also has drawbacks. For example, unreality news report will mislead and make panic to public. Nevertheless, these drawbacks are not too many and can be solved by instituting regulations and so on.

To sum up, news media is more vital in current society because of certain reasons. Although there also are some disadvantages about news media, the benefits are much more.

News media is indeed very significant nowadays. This is because without the news media we would News media is indeed very significant nowadays. This is because without the news media we would be totally in the dark and cut off from the rest of the world. Its impact is largely positive, although there is a negative side of the news media as well.

以上就是 2019 年 6 月的雅思写作话题预测及范文,更多雅思大作文范文,请继续关注小站雅思频道。


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