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2020-07-05 08:03:01

Occupation occupies more than half of our lives. It is a so important chioce that it decides the foundation of our economy,mood,health and living environment ,enev our sons and daughters furture.Thus,making good occupation choices is also difficult.As the saying goes,"opportunity cares for the well prepared".What have we well prepared?For most people what we major on is the best prepation before we work.The main subject is the most familiar filed to us.In other word ,what you major on is prioroty.Because you would do this job well may well. But its not the must.I think there are several occasion to change what to do for everyone in life. Great majority will do different jobs in first five years.So we can look occupation decision as process .Of course,it should end up with a satisfied result.Where we want to work and the work is nonharmful to bady or not is what should be consideed. besides salary interest.



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