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2020-07-07 08:15:01

> > > > 春节80字英语作文带翻译春节80字英语作文带翻译发布时间:2019 12 06



The Spring Festival, the children will get up early, to mom and dad s room, the traditional New Year ceremony. The children of parents said some lucky though, my parents brought out New Year s money, let the children happily. Everybody hope this year to luck, a thriving business.

Some friends and family together, taste the wine, talked some happy message. And the most happy is, we can take off to save money, and then happy running up the street to buy a lot of fun things, such as cars, buggies, toy guns, football, etc., and as long as our mouth sweet a bit, say more blessed penis, that can make a lot of money!




The Spring Festival is the most important festival in my country, is also the most grand festival of the year. Every household will celebrate. Some people will do some activities to celebrate the New Year, such as the dragon dance lion dance, act in an opera in storyteller, bohanchuan, walking on stilts, dancing, etc.

One year, adult children spend opened, necessities, and sweep the house, the ancestor worship of busy not happy! To stick couplets on the Spring Festival is a must. Or yourself or please people do, put a year of harvest and hope in the coming year are written into the small Spring Festival couplets. Boys and girls, talking about Spring Festival couplets, there is a story! Spring Festival couplets, originated in the peach wood charms against evil, it first appeared in the zhou dynasty, is hanging in the gate on both sides of the rectangle peach door plank. It is said that the peach no ghost town, the function of exorcism. Fear because of the evil spirits of the world all tu , yu lei two gods, so folk with peach wood into their appearance, in their own homes to drive the demons to ward off bad luck. Later, people simply on the peach wood carved two names of god, that can do the same in the town of evil evil. This kind of peach plate is called a peach wood charms against evil .


一到年关,大人小孩都忙乎开了,备年货、扫屋子、祭祖宗忙的不也乐乎!贴是必不可少的一个项目。或自己动手或请人代劳,把一年的收获和来年的希望都写进这小小的春联里。同学们,说起春联,还有一个故事呢!春联,起源于桃符,它最早出现在周代,是悬挂在大门两旁的长方形桃门板。据说,桃木有镇鬼、驱邪的功能。因为世上的恶鬼都畏惧 神荼 、 郁垒 二神,所以民间就用桃木刻成他们的模样,放在自家门口以驱鬼辟邪。后来,人们索性在桃木板上刻上两位神的名字,认为这样做同样可以镇邪驱恶。这种桃板就称为 桃符 。


When the New Year s bell, fireworks flying, like the petals of the fairy and, like flowers blooming on the sky... , grandpa took my New Year s gift, I open a look, a beautiful scarf, grandpa said: don t catch a cold in the winter is very cold, wear a scarf, ah! Grandpa sent him to my care, sent to my care. In my heart silently thinking about, when I grow up, I will care about you too.

The atmosphere of the Spring Festival at home is full of joy!

当新年的钟声敲响的时候,礼花漫天飞舞,有的像仙女撒下的花瓣,有的像天空上盛开的花 ,爷爷拿来了送给我的新年礼物,我打开一看,一条漂亮的围巾,爷爷说: 冬天很冷,戴好围巾别着凉了, 啊!爷爷把他对我的关爱送来了,把对我的关心送来了。我心里默默的想着,等我长大了,我也一定会关心你们的。


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