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2024-04-19 16:54:59


下面新东方网雅思频道为大家整理了雅思写作范文:讨论移民的利弊,供考生们参考,以下是详细内容。 雅思写作范文话题

Every year large numbers of people migrate from one country to another for different reasons. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of migration for the individual and for society as a whole.

雅思写作范文Rewritten Sample Writing

Reasons for people migrating from one country to another are manifold and range from personal interests, such as fulfilling one’s childhood dream to business related issues such as work relocation.

It is undeniable that new immigrants have the privilege to try a new and different lifestyle that has the potential to deviate remarkably from their origin, and this unique experience has attracted a great number of participants.

Apart from this, all immigrants have also brought their individual culture to the new land, which enhances the cultural diversity of the nation. Furthermore, all migrants not only take their skills, but also their fortune with them and as a result, a large amount of money has been invested into the destination country. For example, a large portion of infrastructure funding in Japan is from their migrants investment.

However, for individuals, adapting to a new community that maybe has conflicting customs, is a challenging task.

Some new immigrants may feel depressed, especially during the initial years. Meanwhile, in terms of the society as a whole, new arrivals from outside of the country will increase the severity of employment competition, as the number of job seekers rises significantly, while job opportunities remain the same.

In conclusion, migrating to another new country is an important decision and one is required to consider all of the pros and cons into consideration before making such a decision.


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  1. 2024-04-19 17:09毛利元就[江西省网友]IP:3405924720
  2. 2024-04-19 17:02,命硬@[贵州省网友]IP:1740638103


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