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2020-07-12 16:06:01

导语:生命在于不断的奋斗。在粉丝都中实现自身的价值。以下是小编为大家收集的几篇以奋斗为话题的英语。供大家参考阅读。希望喜欢。 以奋斗为话题的英语范文一 Life is a mirror. If we smile to her, she would also return the happiness to us. But if we cry, she would be disappointed. Therefore, we should be positive toward life, so as to get happiness.

Actually, happiness is everywhere if we keep a good attitude. As we keep a good mood, our world will be a sunny land, which is resounded with soft music. However, if we are pessimists, we ll find our world is full of darkness.

While on the other side, happiness is not a destination but a journey.Because there s no paradise at all, but we can make a paradise if we re hard working and intelligent. So we should work like we don t need money, smile like we ve never been hurt, and perform ourselves like no one can see us.




以奋斗为话题的英语范文二 Since we go to school, we are taught that no pain, no gain, it means that if people want to be successful, they must work hard. But the truth is that not everyone can get what they want, even they work hard so much, but if working hard does not bring success, why should they still need to work hard. In my opinion, working hard doesn t mean the person can success certainly, success needs more factors, like the time, the luck and other things. There is no doubt that if the person does not work hard and fight for his goal, there is no way for him to get what he wants. Some actors start their career at the very young age, when they are also 40, they become famous suddenly, if they give up, they can t be waiting for their reputation. So working hard, there is much chance to get succeed.




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