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2020-07-15 10:27:01

手机,通讯时代的代言词,潮流的代养人,现如今,全国约有 2.4 亿人在使用手机,这看起 来似乎很帅。但是,孰不知任何事物都有两面性,手机亦是如此,他也有阴阳两面。对于手 机的利弊也是众说纷纭,liuxue86 小编为大家搜集整理出多篇关于手机利弊的英语作文, 供大家参考借鉴。 手机的利弊作文篇一 My Opinion on Cell Phones Cell phones do play an important role in people’s daily life, but every coin has its two sides. To start with, as a wireless mobile phone, it’s convenient for the user at any time to contact others. Secondly, it’s a helpful companion. With a multifunctional cell phone in hand, one can easily surf the net, downloading what he needs. However, the cell phone has many disadvantages. For one thing, the machine itself is very expensive and its local service is very costly, not to mention its global service. For another, the radiation transmitted from the mobile phones might do harm to the user’s health. In my opinion, with its expenses being reduced sharply, its development will have a brighter future. Therefore its advantages will far outweigh its disadvantages. 手机的利弊作文篇二 Nowadays, with the rapid development of IT, cell phones play a more and more important role in people’s life. But, like everything else, they have both favorable and unfavorable aspects. First ,it’s useful. As a wireless mobile telephone ,it’s easy and handy to carry it wherever one goes and call the callee however far away he is. Therefore, it greatly facilitates people’s life. Second, it’s convenient. Whenever one meets trouble or something urgent, one can make a call immediately. Most important of all, it’s a very helpful companion. With a multifunction cell phone in hand, one can easily get on the net, browsing the useful information, conducting e commerce and doing whatever one can do via Internet. However, just as everything has two sides, the cell phone also has many disadvantages,. To begin with, it’s expensive to buy and costly to pay the bills, esp. that of global service. To make matter worse, it’s also easy to lose and costly to get it repaired. Worst of all, it’s not as clear as a family telephone and sometimes the number dialed is often not available. Last but not least, it’s alleged the micro waves in it might do harm to people’s health. In my opinion, with its expenses greatly reduced after China’s entry into the WTO,. Someday most of them will be developed into new Internet enabled mobile phones, which will be as useful as pocket computers. And I believe its advantages will not only offset its disadvantages, but also far outweigh them. 手机的利弊作文篇三 There are alarms that mobile phone use is killing



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